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P. 81
Our Forefathers and Foremothers  69
Brinslot Vt Oct 31st 1910
Friend Mike
Just a line or two to acknowledge your kind letter, also the nice music you sent Mrs. Brady. She appreciated it very much. I mailed you clippings of three “Heralds” with pieces of Maloney’s work in them the dirty Blackmailing Loafer because he had a row with Connors and Connors shot-up his place a little Bit only Shot the lights out & made play for his Bro Jack & he thinking he might be closed and that the other Boys might be making a collar he took the Jealous means of going to the Papers but only the Herald would handle it and I would have stopped that only I was out of town but I will be back in Montreal pretty soon a couple of weeks more. And I guess when I am there Maloney will keep quiet at all events he succeeded in closing the town just because he was in trouble. He is one Dog,
Mike. You might show these papers to everybody you know as to advertise this Son of a bitch properly. Give my kindest regards to Geo Stivers, Sap & all the Gang. Also go and see Sheriff Foley & give him Mrs. Brady & my best love & wishes. Mrs. B wishes to be remembered. Mrs. Salter sends you & all the family her best wishes. Remember me to Tom Sharkey also Kelly Trusting. You will not forgettodoasIaskyoualsoapologizingfornotwriting youbefore now
Your friend
Write me soon & give me all the news. F.

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